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Showing posts with label CPF Interest Rates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CPF Interest Rates. Show all posts

Apr 14, 2014

CPF Money Interest Rate

CPF Money Interest Rate

We present CPF Money Interest Rate to help you make your money work harder for you at Singapore Savings Account Rates in 2014.

Singapore CPF Money Interest Rate for 2014 are presented for personal information. You should re-confirm bank rates before you invest your money based on these rates.

CPF Money Interest Rate (01 Jan 2014 to 31 Mar 2014)

(reviewed quarterly)

Ordinary Account =2.50% p.a.

Special & Medisave Accounts =4.00% p.a.

CPF Money Interest Rate (01 Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2014)

(reviewed yearly)

Retirement Account =4.00% p.a.

Additional Interest of 1%

As part of efforts to enhance CPF members’ retirement savings, an additional 1% interest will continue to be paid on the first $60,000 of a member’s combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the Ordinary Account (OA).

The additional interest received on the OA will go into the member’s SA or RA to enhance his retirement savings.

If a member is above 55 years old and participates in the CPF LIFE scheme, the additional 1% interest will still be earned on his combined balances, which includes the savings used for CPF LIFE.

More: Best 2014 Singapore savings account interest rates

CPF Money Interest Rate are subject to change without prior notice at discretion of the bank entity or finance company in 2014 and beyond. You should assess the suitability of these financial products based on your personal financial investment objectives.

Keep reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, for new information on financial savings accounts in Singapore.

The Team

Feb 6, 2014

Interest Rate of CPF Money

Interest Rate of CPF Money

We present Singapore savings rates and other bank account rates to help you make your money work harder for you at Singapore Savings Account Rates in 2014.

Singapore savings account rates for 2014 are presented for personal information. You should re-confirm bank rates before you invest your money based on these rates.

Interest Rate of CPF Money Table:

Interest Rate of CPF Money (01 Jan 2014 to 31 Mar 2014)
(reviewed quarterly)

Ordinary Account =2.50% p.a.

Special & Medisave Accounts =4.00% p.a.

Interest Rate of CPF Money (01 Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2014)
(reviewed yearly)

Retirement Account =4.00% p.a.

Additional Interest of 1%

As part of efforts to enhance CPF members’ retirement savings, an additional 1% interest will continue to be paid on the first $60,000 of a member’s combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the Ordinary Account (OA).

The additional interest received on the OA will go into the member’s SA or RA to enhance his retirement savings.

If a member is above 55 years old and participates in the CPF LIFE scheme, the additional 1% interest will still be earned on his combined balances, which includes the savings used for CPF LIFE.

More: Best 2014 Singapore savings account interest rates

Interest rate of CPF money are subject to change without prior notice at discretion of the bank entity or finance company in 2014 and beyond. You should assess the suitability of these financial products based on your personal financial investment objectives.

Keep reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, for new information on financial savings accounts in Singapore.

The Team

Dec 13, 2010

CPF Savings Account Rates

CPF Savings Account Rates

Singapore Savings Account Rates presents CPF Savings Account Rates.

CPF Savings Account Rates are shown for your information about financial investments in Singapore. Before you invest money or put cash in financial products or financial investments like stocks, shares, bonds, unit trusts, money markets or other banking products, you ought to confirm these savings account rates with financial institution or bank firm concerned.

CPF Savings Account Rates For The Various Accounts:

CPF interest rate for Ordinary Account = 2.50% p.a.

The CPF interest rate for Ordinary Account is reviewed quarterly.

CPF interest rate for Special, Medisave and Retirement account = 4.0% p.a.

As announced on 20th September 2010, the Government will maintain the 4.0% p.a. minimum interest rate on all Special and Medisave Accounts (SMA) and Retirement Account (RA) monies until 31 December 2011. Thereafter, interest rates on all CPF account monies will be subject to a minimum rate of 2.5% p.a.

An additional 1% interest will continue to be paid on the first $60,000 of a member’s combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the Ordinary Account (OA).

CPF interest is computed monthly, compounded and credited annually.

CPF Savings Account rates are reviewed by CPF Board on a regular basis.

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, where we bring you the latest and best financial information about selected Singapore savings account rates.

The Team

Sep 21, 2010

Special, Medisave, Retirement Account Savings Rates

Special, Medisave, Retirement Account Savings Rates

Special, Medisave, Retirement Account Savings Rates have been updated by Central Provident Board (CPF).

At Singapore Savings Account Rates we share with you the Special, Medisave, Retirement Account Savings Rates.

For the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011, the Special, Medisave, Retirement Account Savings Rates will be 4.00% per annum.

Thereafter, interest rates on all CPF account monies will be subject to a minimum rate of 2.5% per annum.

You should consider these interest rates before engaging in financial investments or investing money in other approved uses.

For details of Special, Medisave, Retirement Account Savings rates, check out CPF site.

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, where we bring you the latest and best financial information about selected Singapore savings account rates.

The Team

May 28, 2010



Singapore Savings Account Rates presents latest CPF Account interest rates.

Rates are shown for your information. Before you consider investing cash in stocks, shares, bonds, unit trusts or other banking products, ensure that you re-confirm the savings account rates with bank concerned.

Savings Account rates are subject to change without notice at the absolute discretion of the respective bank.


Joint News Release by:
Central Provident Fund Board
Housing & Development Board
12 May 2010

Interest Rate For Ordinary Account (OA)

The Board will continue to pay 2.50% interest per annum for members’ CPF
savings in their Ordinary Account (OA) from 1 July 2010 to 30 September 2010.

The computed CPF interest rate derived from the major local banks’ interest rates for the three-month period, 1 February 2010 to 30 April 2010, worked out to be 0.41 % per annum. However, the higher rate of 2.50% will be paid as the CPF Act provides for a minimum CPF interest rate of 2.50% per annum.

HDB's Mortgage Rate

The concessionary interest rate for HDB mortgage loan, which is pegged at 0.1 percentage point above the CPF interest rate for the OA, will remain unchanged at 2.60% per annum from 1 July 2010 to 30 September 2010.

The detailed computations of the CPF OA interest rate and the HDB mortgage loan interest rate are given in the Annex.

Extra Interest of 1%

In addition, an extra 1% interest will continue to be paid on the first $60,000 of a member's combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the OA. The extra interest from the OA will go into the member’s Special or Retirement Account to enhance his retirement savings.

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, where we bring you the latest and best selected Singapore savings account rates.

The Team
Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Mar 8, 2010

CPF Retirement Account Interest Rate

CPF Retirement Account Interest Rate

What is the latest and current CPF Retirement Account interest rate in the year 2010?

Singapore Savings Account Rates tries to show you the answer to this question about CPF Retirement Account Interest Rate.

CPF Retirement Account interest rates are shown provided for your information.

Before you invest retirement funds in stocks, shares, bonds, unit trusts or other banking products, remember that your financial investment returns should exceed this CPF Retirement Account interest rate.

CPF Retirement Account RA interest rate is 4%.

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, where we bring you the latest and best selected Singapore savings account rates.

The Team
Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Feb 17, 2010

CPF Rate 2010

CPF Rate 2010

Singapore Savings Account Rates presents the CPF rate this February 2010 of the CPF Ordinary Account now.

Since January 2010, has the CPF rate paid on CPF Ordinary Account changed this February 2010?

CPF rates 2010 are shown for your information. Before you use CPF funds to invest in stocks, shares, bonds, unit trusts or other banking products, make sure that your investment returns exceed CPF Ordinary Account pay out interest rates.

CPF Rate 2010 Ordinary Account = 4.0%

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates.

The Team
Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Jan 27, 2010

CPF Rate: Special Medisave Retirement Account

CPF Rate: Special Medisave Retirement Account

Singapore Savings Account Rates presents CPF Rate: Special Medisave Retirement Account.

In your search for CPF Rate: Special Medisave Retirement Account, you have come to the right finance blog for the latest CPF rate updates.

So what are the latest CPF rates other than the Ordinary Account?

CPF Interest Rate for SMA Monies

Since 1 January 2008, savings in the SMA have been invested in Special Government Securities (SSGS) which earn an interest rate pegged to the 12-month average yield of 10-year Singapore Government Securities (10YSGS) plus 1%, adjusted quarterly.

The 12-month average yield of the 10YSGS plus 1% rate worked out to be 3.31% for the period 1 December 2008 to 30 November 2009. Since the interest rate peg for SMA monies is below 4%, the SMA CPF rate interest rate from 1 January 2010 to 31 March 2010 will be maintained at 4%.

CPF Interest Rate for RA Monies

From 1 January 2010, RA savings will be invested in SSGS which earn a fixed coupon equal to the 12-month average yield of the 10YSGS plus 1% at the point of issuance. The interest rate to be credited to the RA will be the weighted average interest of the entire portfolio of these SSGS, and adjusted yearly in January.

Since the interest rate peg for the fixed coupon is below 4%, existing RA savings will be invested in SSGS which earn a fixed coupon of 4% (floor rate). Hence, the CPF rate of RA interest rate from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010 will be 4%.

Additional CPF Interest of 1%

An additional 1%CPF rate interest will continue to be paid on the first $60,000 of a member’s combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the Ordinary Account (OA). The additional CPF rate interest received on the OA will go into the member’s SA or RA to enhance his retirement savings. If the member is above 55 years old and participates in the LIFE scheme, the additional CPF rate 1% interest will also apply to his annuity premium, less annuity payouts already made. The additional CPF rate interest earned on the member’s LIFE annuity monies will be paid into his RA.

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates.

The Team
Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Jan 20, 2010

CPF Rate

CPF Rate

Singapore Savings Account Rates presents the latest CPF rate.

Interest Rate For Ordinary Account (OA) CPF Rate

The Board will continue to pay the CPF rate of 2.50% interest per annum for members’ CPF savings in their OA from 1 January 2010 to 31 March 2010.

The computed CPF rate derived from the major local banks’ interest rates for the three-month period, 1 August 2009 to 31 October 2009, worked out to be 0.42 % per annum. However, the higher rate of 2.50% will be paid as the CPF Act provides for a minimum CPF rate of 2.50% per annum.

Check out our site for more CPF rate updates or the Central Provident Fund Board CPF Board for the latest news on CPF rates.

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates.

The Team
Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Sep 11, 2009

4% CPF SMRA Interest Rate Extended to 2010

4% CPF SMRA Interest Rate Extended to 2010

We note that the 4% CPF SMRA interest rate has been extended to the year 2010.

It was long held that the special 4% per annum minimum floor interest rate for CPF Special account, Medisave account and Retirement account would end by 31 December 2009.

We checked and confirmed that the 4% CPF SMRA interest rate has indeed been extended to 2010 when we looked through the CPF website here.

As quoted from CPF site on 11 Sep 2009:

"From 1 January 2008, savings in the Special Account, Medisave Account and Retirement Account (SMRA) is pegged to the 12-month average yield of the 10-year Singapore Government Securities (10YSGS) plus 1%. To help members adjust to the floating SMRA interest rate, a 4% floor for the SMRA rate will be maintained for the first three years (2008 - 2010).

In addition, an extra 1% of interest will be paid on the first $60,000 of a member's combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the OA. The extra interest from the OA will go into the member's Special or Retirement Account to improve his retirement savings.

Under the CPF Act, the Board pays interest at a minimum rate of 2.50% per annum. CPF interest is computed monthly and, compounded and credited annually."

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, where we bring you the latest and best Singapore savings account and CPF savings account rates.

The Team
Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Sep 7, 2009

CPF Savings Rates

CPF Savings Rates: Interest Rate For CPF Ordinary Account (OA)

Before you take out money from your CPF savings account to invest money, you should check out the savings rates that CPF is paying.

The CPF Board will continue to pay the same interest savings rate per annum for members’ CPF savings in their Ordinary Account (OA) from 1 October 2009 to 31 December 2009.

The computed CPF savings rate is derived from the major local banks’ savings interest rates for the three-month period, 1 May 2009 to 31 July 2009. This savings rates worked out to be 0.44 % per annum.

However, the higher savings rate of 2.50% will be paid as the CPF Act provides for a minimum CPF savings rate of 2.50% per annum.

Thus the CPF savings rates for 1 October 2009 to 31 December 2009 is 2.5% per annum.

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, where we bring you the latest and best Singapore savings account rates.

The Team
Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Aug 31, 2009

CPF Special, Medisave & Retirement Accounts (SMRA) Rates

CPF Special, Medisave & Retirement Accounts (SMRA) Rates

The CPF Interest Rate For Special, Medisave & Retirement Accounts (SMRA) is unchanged from the previous three months.

The prevailing (July to September 2009) CPF interest rate for Special, Medisave & Retirement Accounts (SMRA) is 4%.

Summary: CPF Interest Rate For Special, Medisave & Retirement Accounts (SMRA)
= 4.00%

This was computed based on the 12-month average yield of the 10-year Singapore Government Security (10YSGS) plus 1%.

The Special, Medisave & Retirement Accounts (SMRA)interest rate for October to December 2009 will be announced in September 2009 after the average yield of the 10YSGS is computed.

To help members adjust to this floating rate, the 4% floor for the Special, Medisave & Retirement Accounts (SMRA) rate will be maintained till 31 December 2009.

In addition, an extra 1% interest will be paid on the first $60,000 of a member’s combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the Ordinary Account (OA). The extra interest from the OA will go into the member’s Special or Retirement Account to enhance his retirement savings.

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, where we bring you the latest and best Singapore savings account rates.

The Team
Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Aug 11, 2009

DBS CPF Investment Account Rates

DBS CPF Investment Account Rates
DBS CPF Investment Account Rates are presented by Singapore Savings Account Rates this day in August 2009 to help you gain more insight before investing CPF monies.

DBS CPF Investment Account Rates:
Amount | DBS CPF Investment Account Interest Rate (% p.a.)
Below $25,000 = 0.100
$25,000 and Above = 0.100

Although DBS CPF Investment Account Rates may earn money for you at these rates, the CPF investment account rates are subject to change without notice. Before investing CPF cash on investments based on these rates, you should verify the DBS CPF investment account rates of interest before acting on the information we provide.

Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, where we bring you the latest and best Singapore savings account rates.

The Team
Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Jun 10, 2009

CPF Rate 2009

CPF Rate 2009

Singapore-savings-account-rates.blogspot.com brings you the latest CPF rate 2009 for months of June, July and September.

CPF Rate of Ordinary Account (OA)
CPF Board will pay 2.50% interest per annum for members’ CPF savings in their OA from 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2009.

HDB’s Mortgage Rate
The concessionary interest rate for HDB mortgage loan, which is pegged at 0.1 percentage point above the CPF interest rate for the Ordinary Account, will remain unchanged at 2.60% per annum from 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2009.

CPF Rate For Special, Medisave & Retirement Accounts (SMRA)
CPF Board will pay 4.0% for SMRA. The 4% floor for the SMRA rate will be maintained till 31 December 2009.

Extra CPF Rate of 1%
In addition, an extra 1% interest will be paid on the first $60,000 of a member’s CPF combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the Ordinary Account (OA). The extra interest from the OA will go into the member’s Special or Retirement Account to enhance his retirement savings.

CPF rates of interest payment will be reviewed by CPF Board every quarter.

CPF rates correct as at 10 June 2009.

Keep reading Singapore-savings-account-rates.blogspot.com!

Feb 16, 2009

Health Savings Accounts

Health Savings Accounts
Do you put your health into a savings accounts, so that you can later withdraw some health to top up your diminishing health? In Singapore, you can do that through Medisave, a compulsory national health savings accounts.

What is this health savings accounts known as Medisave?
The Government has created health savings accounts for everyone who contributes money to their personal CPF funds. The health savings accounts are known as CPF Medisave Accounts.

Medisave was introduced in 1984. As an employee, you contribute a part of your monthly wages to your Medisave health savings accounts. The exact amount depends on your age. The ratio of your CPF contribution that will be paid into your Medisave health savings accounts starts from 0.1884 (below 35 years old) and rises up to 0.9 (above age 65), depending on age. CPF Board automatically calculates the sum for these health savings accounts as mandated by law.

What are the benefits of Health Savings Accounts?
You can withdraw 'health' by signing an authorisation form to use it for medical related payments. Your money sitting in this health savings accounts can be use for:

(1) Hospital bills for stays of more than 8 hours.
You can pay hospital bills for yourself, spouse, children and parents (of any nationality) or grandparents (citizens or permanent residents). Limits to withdraw amount from the health savings accounts apply.

(2) Selected Outpatient health-related bills
As examples, funds can be withdrawn from health savings accounts for chronic medical disease treatment for diabetes mellitus, hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke, asthma and chronic obstructive airway disease.

(3) Maternity Package
Pre-delivery medical expenses, delivery procedure and daily hospital charges are some examples of bills that may be settled with health savings accounts.

How much interest do I get with Medisave health savings accounts?
Interest rate is currently 4%+1% = 5%.

From 1 January 2008, savings in Medisave Account is pegged to the 12-month average yield of the 10-year Singapore Government Securities (10YSGS) plus 1%.

A 4% floor for the Medisave rate will be maintained for the first two years (2008 - 2009). Extra 1% of interest will be paid on the first $60,000 of a member's combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the OA.

Are there limits to the Medisave health savings accounts balance?
Yes. You need to contribute to your Medisave Account up to the prevailing Medisave Contribution Ceiling which is $34,500 (as at 1 July 2008).

The excess will be transferred to the Special Account for members aged below 55, and to the Retirement Account for members aged 55 and above.

For those who have set aside the full CPF Minimum Sum, the excess CPF contribution will be transferred from the Medisave Account to the Ordinary Account.

This ceiling on health savings accounts balance may be adjusted again every 1 July.

Where can I get more information on Medisave health savings accounts?
CPF Board website = www.cpf.gov.sg

Thank you for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Feb 11, 2009

2009 Best Un-Fixed Deposits Interest Rates

2009 Best Un-Fixed Deposits Interest Rates, Singapore

The best un-fixed deposits interest rates of all savings, fixed deposits, SGS treasury bills, money markets and bond market account rates available in Singapore as at 10 Feb 2009 in Singapore is the CPF SMRA Account.

These un-fixed deposits interest rates will likely stay as the highest as well as the best rates for the months of March, April, May and June 2009.

The Central Provident Fund's (CPF) un-fixed Special, Medical and Retirement Accounts (SMRA) are paying 5% per annum, after factoring the extra 1% interest rate paid on the first $60,000 of a member’s combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the Ordinary Account (OA). By themselves, the un-fixed SMRA accounts earn 4% interest rate. The un-fixed Ordinary Account (OA) earns 2.5% interest rate.

This is the best un-fixed deposits interest rates that anyone can find in Singapore when comparing the un-fixed payouts from savings accounts, fixed deposits accounts, SGS treasury bills, money markets and other legitimate safe, secure fixed and un-fixed interest-paying financial accounts.

The CPF Board has declared that un-fixed interest rate for Ordinary Account (OA) will be 2.50% interest per annum for members’ CPF savings in their OA from 1 April 2009 to 30 June 2009. The computed un-fixed CPF interest rate derived from the major local banks’ interest rates for the three-month period, 1 November 2008 to 31 January 2009, worked out to be 0.74 % per annum. However, the higher rate of 2.50% will be paid as the CPF Act provides for a minimum CPF interest rate of 2.50% per annum.

Un-fixed interest rate for Special, Medisave & Retirement Accounts (SMRA) for April to June 2009 will be announced in March 2009 after the average yield of the 10 year Singapore Government Securities (SGS) is computed. To help members adjust to this floating rate, the 4% floor for the SMRA rate will be maintained till 31 December 2009.

CPF Board has also declared an extra 1% interest will be paid on the first $60,000 of a member’s combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the Ordinary Account (OA). The extra un-fixed interest from the OA will go into the member’s Special or Retirement Account to enhance his / her retirement savings.

Note that I keep using the term 'un-fixed' deposits because the rates will fluctuate once the guaranteed floor limit on CPF interest rates expires. So get ready for the 'un-fixed' CPF interest rate reality soon.

Source = CPF Board Singapore

Nov 24, 2008

CPF Account Interest Rate from January to March 2009

CPF Account Interest Rate from January to March 2009

Central Provident Fund (CPF) Interest Rate For Ordinary Account (OA) will continue to be 2.50% per annum for members’ CPF savings in their CPF Ordinary Account (OA) from 1 January 2009 to 31 March 2009.

The computed CPF account interest rate taken from major local banks’ interest rates for the three-month period, 1 August 2008 to 31 October 2008, comes out to be 0.74 % per annum.

The higher CPF account rate of 2.50% will be paid as the CPF Act provides for a minimum CPF account interest rate of 2.50% per annum.

CPF account interest rate for Special, Medisave & Retirement Accounts (SMRA) is 4%. This high rate will make your money grow at a faster rate compared to Singapore bank savings account rates.

In addition, an extra 1% interest will be paid on the first $60,000 of a CPF member’s combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the CPF Ordinary Account (OA). The extra interest from the CPF Ordinary Account (OA) will go into the member’s Special or Retirement Account to enhance his retirement savings.

Members with enquiries may call the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Call Centre on 1800-227 1188.

Source: Central Provident Fund Board

Find out how to earn more interest money with non-CPF savings in Singapore Savings Account Rates.

Aug 6, 2008

Best Strategy To Earn Highest CPF Interest Rates

Best Strategy To Earn Highest CPF Interest Rates

At Singapore Savings Account Rates blog, we share with you the best strategy to earn the highest CPF interest rates. If you are younger than 55 years old, this may be the best strategy that can apply to your circumstances to earn the highest CPF interest rates.

The strategy is simple and easy: transfer funds from your Ordinary Account (OA) to the Special Account (SA).

The reason behind this strategy is best understood by looking at the best and highest interest rates offered by CPF on its different accounts.

The CPF Ordinary Account (OA) currently earns 2.5% per annum. The CPF Special Account (SA) earns 4.0% per annum. Thus by transferring funds from CPF Ordinary Account OA to CPF Special Account SA, you get 1.5% higher CPF interest rates.

Over a longer period like 30 years as illustrated in the example given in the Sunday Times article of 3 August 2008, you grow your CPF nest egg by more than three times with the additional 1.5% CPF interest rates.

You can transfer up to the prevailing CPF Minimum Sum of $106,000 (less your existing SA balance and amount used for investment).

The best strategy that we highlight is also a quick and easy way to earn the highest CPF interest rates for your funds that are kept by the government's Central Provident Board (CPF).

It is best not to lose in this strategy to earn the highest CPF interest rates you can get from CPF. This extra 1.5% gain in CPF interest rates can translate to a large fortune in the future.

Link to Central Provident Fund website.

Jul 9, 2008

CPF Board Singapore: Current Interest Rates July 2008

CPF Board Singapore: Current Interest Rates July 2008

We checked the latest interest rates of the Central Provident Fund CPF Board for July 2008. The latest quote of CPF Board Singapore current interest rates July 2008 are here:

CPF Interest Rates (01 Jul 2008 to 30 Sep 2008)(reviewed quarterly)

  • Ordinary account 2.50% p.a.
  • Special, Medisave & Retirement accounts 4.00% p.a.

For CPF Board’s Ordinary Account (OA), interest rate is based on the 12-month fixed deposit and month-end savings rates of the major local banks.

Starting 1 January 2008, savings in the Special Account, Medisave Account and Retirement Account (SMRA) is pegged to the 12-month average yield of the 10-year Singapore Government Securities (10YSGS) plus 1%.

To help members adjust to the floating Special Account, Medisave Account and Retirement Account SMRA interest rate, a 4% floor for the SMRA rate will be maintained for the first two years (from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2009).

Extra 1% of interest will be paid on the first $60,000 of a member's combined balances, with up to $20,000 from the Ordinary Account OA.

The extra interest from the Ordinary Account OA will go into the member's Special or Retirement Account to improve his retirement savings.

Under the CPF Act, the Board pays a minimum interest of 2.50% per annum.
CPF interest is computed monthly and, compounded and credited annually.

Link to CPF Interest Rate File in PDF format:

Thank you for visiting Singapore Savings Account Rates for the latest savings deposits interest rates of banks and financial institutions of Singapore.

Tags: CPF, Central Provident Board, Current Interest Rates, Ordinary Account, Special Account, Medisave Account, Retirement Account.

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