At Singapore Savings Account Rates blog, we share with you the best strategy to earn the highest CPF interest rates. If you are younger than 55 years old, this may be the best strategy that can apply to your circumstances to earn the highest CPF interest rates.
The strategy is simple and easy: transfer funds from your Ordinary Account (OA) to the Special Account (SA).

The CPF Ordinary Account (OA) currently earns 2.5% per annum. The CPF Special Account (SA) earns 4.0% per annum. Thus by transferring funds from CPF Ordinary Account OA to CPF Special Account SA, you get 1.5% higher CPF interest rates.

Over a longer period like 30 years as illustrated in the example given in the Sunday Times article of 3 August 2008, you grow your CPF nest egg by more than three times with the additional 1.5% CPF interest rates.
You can transfer up to the prevailing CPF Minimum Sum of $106,000 (less your existing SA balance and amount used for investment).
The best strategy that we highlight is also a quick and easy way to earn the highest CPF interest rates for your funds that are kept by the government's Central Provident Board (CPF).
It is best not to lose in this strategy to earn the highest CPF interest rates you can get from CPF. This extra 1.5% gain in CPF interest rates can translate to a large fortune in the future.
Link to Central Provident Fund website.
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