UOB 1.35% pa Deposits Savings Promotion
UOB 1.35% pa Deposits Savings Promotion is shared today in Singapore Savings Account Rates blogspot.com.
Here are some facts about current Singapore UOB Deposits Savings Promotion.
You must have a UOB Passbook Savings Account or a UOB Uniplus Account which is valid, subsisting and in good standing at all times during this Promotion as determined by the Bank at its discretion.
UOB 1.35% pa Deposits Savings Promotion Details:
Incremental Fresh Funds Balance* | Bonus Rates*(p.a.)
S$15,000 to S$50,000 =0.88%
Above S$50,000 to S$100,000 =1.08%
Above S$100,000 to S$1,000,000 =1.28%
Get up to 1.38% p.a.* interest (total interest rate) with account balance of more than $350,000.
1.28% p.a. interest (Bonus Rate assuming Fresh Funds deposit of above S$100,000) + 0.10% p.a. interest (Prevailing Interest Rate for account balances above S$350,000).
Bonus Rates are only applicable to Incremental Fresh Funds balance up to a maximum amount of S$1,000,000.
Promotion is for limited time only in 2016.
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