Singapore High Yield Corporate Bonds
Singapore Savings Account Rates blogspot dot com presents Singapore High Yield Corporate Bonds today to help you earn more interest income from savings accounts, savings bonds and other fixed income investments in 2016.
2016 Singapore High Yield Corporate Bonds rates are quoted for personal use only. Always check interest rates with the respective banks and/or fixed income investment companies before you invest your money.
These Singapore high yield corporates bonds are sold on the Singapore Exchange SGX. Retail investors can purchase them in lots of 1000 and up. Do note that you have to pay standard brokerage fees on top of the prices quoted when you purchase bonds on SGX. This list of bonds contains Perpetuals, so beware of their maturity dates as they may never be redeemed.
Singapore High Yield Corporate Bonds :
2016 rates are subject to change without prior notice at discretion of the bank or fixed income investment company in 2016. You need to perform your own due diligence to assess the suitability of these financial products for your personal financial circumstance.
Thanks for reading Singapore Savings Account Rates, to stay in touch with the latest, the best and the highest savings account interest rates updates in Singapore in 2016.
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