The UOB High Yield Chequeing Account is a chequeing account that gives high interest rates. The UOB High Yield Account rewards a depositor based on the total banking relationship.
Deposits and investments include savings, current and fixed deposit accounts, structured deposits, unit trusts, securities, bonds and notes, excluding Shares Trading Accounts, linked to the UOB High Yield Account.
Interest will be paid on balance in the UOB High Yield Account.
Interest of 1.2% p.a. can be earned if you have $1 million in savings and investments to spare.
This exclusive account combines the prevailing market value of your deposits and investments with UOB, giving you higher interest rates which are pegged to the interbank rates.
This helps you to earn higher returns while enjoying the flexibility to withdraw funds fromt he UOB High Yield Chequeing Account whenever needed.
The more wealth you accumulate, the higher the returns in the High Yield Account.
The more wealth you accumulate, the higher the returns in the High Yield Account.
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